Registration for 2024-2025 is now open!
To register, please contact us via email. You may print out a paper form and drop off at St. Clare Rectory: 110 Nelson Ave, ATTN: Dorothy, Staten Island, NY 10308.
PLEASE NOTE: You must drop off or mail a mandatory $30 Insurance/Registration Fee + First Month's Tuition at St. Clare Rectory. Checks can be made payable to "St. Clare Dance".
If you have a question, please contact us.
Class Attire:
3-4 year olds
Pink Leotard, Pink Tights
Ballet - ballet shoes (pink)
Tap - tap shoes (white)
All other ages:
Black Leotard, Pink or Tan Tights
Ballet - ballet shoes (pink or canvas)
Tap - tap shoes (black)
Jazz - jazz shoes (black)
Hip Hop - comfortable sneakers or dance sneakers (preferably black)